As a mama of a neurodivergent kiddo you probably already know the challenges our kiddos face on an every day basis. From social challenges, to dietary preferences/restrictions, behavior dysregulation, brain fog and challenges in school. As a parent you’ve probably approached your physician with these concerns and were told what we all are told to put your child on either Ridalin, Adderal or some kind of medication. As a person who believes that medicine has a place in this world and finds medicine and medical technology as a positive thing that does help many people, I also believe that we as a society are in many cases over using medication. Medication is not the answer to all problems, it is the answer to some problems. Our MDs should be presenting solutions based on healing the body from the inside out rather than just putting a band aid on the symptoms for a quick fix. They should be considering all solutions and present medication as the last solution not the first. Just know that as a parent of a neurodivergent child, you have to create your own path and not depend solely on what your MD advises. They may not have your best interest at hand.

In this blog you’ll read about our personal experience on the discovery of this journey as well as the holistic alternative ways we’ve found to help heal our daughter on our own with out medication.


I’ve been to doctor after doctor and they all had the same rehearsed answer and said “Yes, there are side affects to this medication but the good outweighs the bad and you’d be doing her a disservice by NOT giving her medication”. Aside from the emotional manipulation that they were trying to pull on me, I also felt that they did not want to take the time to figure out a way to help my daughter. Given my experience working with some very smart families back in the 2000’s, I knew that children were able to erase symptoms based on the removal of dyes and certain foods. After diving head first into the rabbit hole, I discovered that there are ways….many, many, many ways that we can use to help our children function properly that are not advertised, told to us during doctor visits or even recommended by the medical community. In fact some of these ways are looked at as Pseudo-science, not backed by insurance, or backed by studies therefore dismissed. Before we dive into what we’ve discovered so far, we have to look at WHY no other method or treatment is ever suggested. I became pregnant with the help of modern medicine and my son was healed with the medical technology that saved his life from a serious case of pnemonia. I believe that medicine has a place in this world and it can be very helpful with somethings but not everything. Again, I do see the benefits of pharmaceutical medicine, but why always use it as a first choice in treatment? We should try to look inside the body and heal before using drugs as an option.

So why aren’t other methods suggested by our MDs? Incentives. Remember to take what your MD says with a grain of salt. Much like a car salesman has incentives to sell a car, your MD has a incentives and ties with pharmaceutical companies. There are great doctors out there and this is not a blanket statement to all doctors, but there are doctors out there that do not have your child in their best interest and may not genuinely want to help your kiddo. So be cautious and do your homework!

As a society we’ve accepted the rise in autism and ADHD over the years and see it as “something that just happens” or normal. We need to look a little deeper and consider “Why” this is happening and what we can do to help solve this problem. We need to consider the correlation between changes in the world and the significant increase in the rates of Autism and ADHD. Toxins in the food? Toxins in our water? Toxins in our health system? We have to change our perspective on medicine and look into healing rather than instant fixes. We have to look to nature and holistic practices rather than drugs as a first option. This is something that won’t happen over night but what better time to start than now? Do what you can to help society shift in this direction and start with your own kiddo!

Our 10 Step Approach to Healing

If you want something done, you have to do it yourself! Obviously, we decided to find our own way. Yes, we were looked at as crazy because what even are these treatments? Once you get past the way you are perceived and decide to focus on healing your child, this gets easier. After trial and error to see what works and what doesn’t, this is our list of things we’ve done (in order) to see our baby girl heal and function properly. It includes healing the gut with dietary changes, cellular detox and metal detox, get tested for vitamin deficiences, supplementation, Methyl B-12 or Folate injections, Neurofeedback therapy, Metronome therapy, social emotional healing and techniques, music therapy, and cranial sacral therapy and acupuncture. Let’s dive in!

  1. Dietary Changes with the GAPS Diet: Start by reading this book!
  2. Cellular Detox & Metal Detox: There are different products and ways to tackle this. Try both while on the GAPS diet.
  3. Testing for Vitamin Deficiences (Blood test, urine test, Bowl Movement test): We got our daughter tested after doing the GAPS diet. These tests will show if your kiddo can process Vitamins, if they have the MTHFR Gene mutation, if their cells have a mitocondria dysfunction etc.
  4. Supplements: Once you know what your child is deficient in then you can supplement properly. We have found some that are undeniably effective!
  5. Vitamin Injections: As a result of the testing you will find out if your child has a methylation problem and then you can supplement with either methyl folate or methyl B12
  6. Neurofeedback Therapy: Do this step after steps 1-5! To maximize results and time, make sure to do this once your child’s gut has been mostly healed and you will see results fast.
  7. Metronome Therapy: We did interactive metronome therapy 2 to 3 times per week and we’ve seen tremendous results in not just rhythm but an overall alignment in small day to day tasks.
  8. Social Emotional Healing and Techniques: Consistent Positive affirmations, shaping their sense of self, breathing techniques for anxiety, social skills groups are amongst handful of ways to help your kiddo.
  9. Music Therapy: Our kiddo loves and learns through music. Her passion for dance and bodily movement is something she understands well. I suspect she loves dance because she can express herself without using words, just energy and passion. Dance and music has helped her find her sense of self and purpose.
  10. Cranial Sacral Therapy: Cranial sacral therapy is a massage of the skull.

You are not alone and have many parents that are starting to recognize that we can change our children and get rid of these symptoms to heal them. If this trajectory continues, you can share what you’ve learned to help other mamas and the shift in the perspective of medicine in the US can shift to a holistic approach to healing. Remember our body was meant to heal itself we just have to give it the tools it needs. So Keep connecting with parents who have tried alternative methods, keep doing research, and keep trying to heal your child!

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