Why do our kiddos need positive self talk?

With a positive mindset our kiddos will have more self confidence, make more friends, accomplish more tasks and have an overall productive day. Kiddos with ADHD and Autism may suffer from social confusion, rejection from peers and low self esteem as well. In addition, Kiddos with ADHD & Autism may suffer from lower levels of vitamins in their body which can result in bad moods and confusion. Positive self talk is a good technique to be able to kick those negative thoughts to the curb and replace them with positive thoughts. Kiddos may also find it harder to fall asleep and they might need a little help getting into sleep mode.

To maximize our kiddos potential, let’s give them what they need to thrive! Check out our YouTube channel below for our positive affirmation videos.

Positive Affirmations for Kiddos

Wired Differently and happy being me!

I can make friends!- coming soon!

I can do hard things! Coming soon!

I can move on! Coming soon!

How do our kids benefit from a daily positive approach?

These articles show why Kiddy Crickets uses the positive mindset approach

Some people with ADHD don’t have enough vitamins B2, B6, and B9. While it isn’t clear if the low vitamins were because of the ADHD, there could be a link. Low levels of vitamin B6 can cause depression and confusion, among other things. If your body lacks vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, you may not absorb enough vitamin B6. And vitamin B9, or folate, plays a critical role in a child’s brain development. Folate may also help treat depression

Words are powerful! Words affect every aspect of your body from the way you think, to the way you feel, to your actions. From the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep your inner dialogue is on autopilot and you are continuously talking to yourself.

Approximately 50-70% of persons with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) also have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) according to the scientific literature meta-analyses. In addition, up to 84% of people with autism have some form of anxiety and as much as 17% specifically may have OCD obsessive-compulsive disorder.