Awesome Books

We make books for the neurodivergent community to address the challenges of daily challenges. Let's turn these challenges into strengths!

REviews you can trust

We try products and recommend what we love. Tried and true just for you!

Positive affirmations for kids

Whether it's for anxiety for a test, or making friends we have it all!


Hear what we have to say about everything neurodivergent. We've lived it and we want to share what we have discovered!

Who we we are

Find out who we are and why we do what we do! It's a labor of love!

family games

Coming Soon!

Let's get messy, play and enjoy the day! Come play with us. We have printable work sheets, social stories and much more!

Follow us on social media!

Check out our positive affirmations videos that will build your kiddo's self confidence and empower them to shine!

Moms will love our posts which will motivate and inspire parents of neurodivergent kiddos!

On TikTok we share funny, inspiring and informative posts. Follow us and share your thoughts!

more coming soon!